Friday, 28 August 2015

A Weighty Issue!

I caught sight of myself in a shop window today, and it wasn't pretty! Between that and some unflattering holiday snaps I've realised I've got to do something about my increasing weight! I've been thinking about it for months but I just didn't have the mental capacity to deal with it. Even now I don't want to focus on losing weight (that's too big a challenge and too much pressure). I want to feel healthy, instead of bloated and lethargic. People have said to me "Ah but the weight will fall off you once you're feeling better!" That maybe true but I can't rely on that fact or use it as an excuse to eat badly!
I've always had to watch my weight and when I was 17 mum and I joined Slimming World together (I weighed in at 12st 5lbs, I'm only 5"1)! But we'd found something that worked for us. The lovely consultant took me under her wing and I went on to lose 3st 7lbs and become part of the social team, either taking the money or doing the weigh in (meeting some truly lovely and inspirational people along the way!). I was a member for 13 and a half years (even throughout my pregnancy), yes my weight fluctuated during that time but I always knew I could lose it again! But once E was born and then the PND struck I really struggled and the weight obviously started going in the wrong direction. I don't know whether it is the antidepressants that make me want to stuff my face, or is it just because I've always been an emotional eater? I suspect it is more than likely a combination of the two! Add to that a complete lack of willpower at the moment, and it's no wonder I finally decided to stop going to Slimming World just over 6 weeks ago.
After a very busy and indulgent  (and at times boozy) summer I have decided now is the time to focus on me! I'm using my return to work next week as a fresh start, September (and beyond) is my time to get healthy! So where to start? To make it more manageable, less daunting and reduce the pressure I have decided to break it down into weekly challenges that I will build on week by week, until I am a svelte, sexy beast (that might be a little optimistic!). I have some ideas in mind but I would also like your input! Here's what I have

  • Menu plan
  • Drink more water (at least 2ltrs)
  • Eat less bread
  • Drink less caffeine 
  • Eat less snacks
  • Eat more fruit and veg
  • Eat a different breakfast every day
  • Try one new recipe a week
I also want this to be about looking after myself completely so I want to incorporate some self care challenges. 
  • Go to bed 30mins earlier 
  • Enjoy more quality me time
  • Pamper myself in some way once a week (paint nails, bath, face mask)
  • Turn the TV off for one evening a week (read a book, do some adult colouring whilst listening to music)
  • Stick to a routine 
  • Do ##bepbb (be positive before bedtime) on twitter every day
  • Choose one none food related treat per week (flowers, manicure, pedicure)
I have no idea yet which order I will do them in but I'm thinking I might choose one from both lists each week to complete and give you a progress report every Friday,  with the next weeks challenges. (I hope that makes sense) Alongside this I am also going to go sober for September. No alcohol will pass my lips! I'm really not a big drinker, more of a social one (but there's been lots of time spent with friends and family over the last couple of months).
I'm hoping to think of a punchy title for my challenges and I will add the lists somewhere on the page. Any of you are welcome to join me, let us know how you get on! And don't forget to give me some more ideas! Ooohh it's exciting!! This week I am going to drink more water and stick to my new routine!! See how I get in next Friday! Xoxo 

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

An Odd Feeling!

Today I feel unsettled, and I don't know why! It could be post holiday blues, (we had a truly fab time in Trecco Bay, with lovely company) or the fact that the summer holidays are coming to an end, (I really don't know where they've gone this year!) or maybe the need for more of a routine. I feel like I need to shake things up, make a change! But I don't really know where to begin or what to do. Maybe I'm stagnating because I'm slowly (note the word "slowly") starting to feel better, the good days are definitely outweighing the bad and I finally feel like we've got my antidepressants at the right level (yet I still feel unmotivated). Is it because it was almost as if every day was such a battle and now I feel like I'm having to fight slightly less that I don't really know where to go from here or what to do with myself?
I know there are things I need to do! I need to get my house tidy (and clean), sort a decent daily routine (and stick to it!). I need to get healthy (losing weight would be a bonus but not something I'm willing to focus on right now!) more of which in an upcoming post and possibly subsequent ones. I need (and want) to get back to feeling like me again, I see glimpses of her but she never seems to stick around. I want to look forward to Christmas, because I felt robbed of the joy of E's first one (it felt like I was in a bubble, I could see everything that was going on but couldn't quite touch it!) And I want to start the New Year afresh! Who knows if I will achieve all those things I want or need to but I have to at least try!
And now, in this present moment what shall I do? I think I might stick some music  on and dance around the house (to shake up how I'm feeling), motivate myself and do some tidying and sorting, so that later in the week my lovely brother can help me move some furniture around to change the feel of my lounge!

As always thank you for listening (okay reading) my musings.  I hadn't planned on writing this post but it felt good to just write from the heart!
How do you shake things up? Any suggestions are welcome! Until next time! Xoxo

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

A Letter to Myself........

I've been feeling inspired by Rachel Platten's Fight Song, some of the lyrics really resonate with me ~ "I might only have one match but I can make an explosion" "This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I'm alright song" "I've still got a lot of fight left in me!" So here I am writing my own version of a fight song (I say version because I'm not very musical so you'll have to make do with a letter)!

Dear me, myself and I, 
Hey there beautiful lady, I think of late you have forgotten that that is exactly what you are -BEAUTIFUL- inside and out! You need to take back control of your life, stop letting the PND hold you down in that pit that is negativity, procrastination and lethargy. It might be a fight every hour, every day but you are strong, you can battle through this. I'm here to remind you that you are special, that you deserve to be happy, to be looked after and to be the best you, you can be!
You've got to look after yourself, because no one can do that for you. Make those small changes that will soon add up.  Focus on all the things you can do, rather than on the reasons not to do things, or deciding it's too hard! 
You need to remember what a fab job you're doing, when there are so many things against you! It's okay to find some days more difficult than others! But never forget you are getting better!
So take a deep breath, smile that lovely smile and stand tall! You've got this!! If only you believe in yourself!! 
I am here for you no matter what!
All my love,
H x

What would you include in your fight song/letter? Xoxo 

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The Wanderer Returns!

Have you missed me and my random musings? Well I've missed you anyway!! It seems like ages since I've stopped to talk to you. Where have I been? Here, there and everywhere, that's where!
What a month it's been! It all started with the wonderful chickenpox (the spots made their appearance the Monday before E's 1st birthday party)! I always thought that the younger they got them the less spots they got, well I can vouch for the fact that that isn't true. She was covered bless her (front, back, nappy area, on her scalp and a lovely one under her eye). The spots didn't seem to bother her too much, but she was under the weather, clingy, and she slept a lot. My brother and sister in law looked after her on the Tuesday but she was supposed to go to nursery on the Wednesday and Thursday, so mummy had to take a couple of days off work (which felt strange). My B and SinL were off to pick mum and dad up in preparation for the birthday celebrations.
Friday arrived and after work mum and I went shopping to get the last bits for the party (I had used my unexpected time off wisely and done an online shop earlier in the week). Saturday morning the house was a hive of activity - sandwich making, balloon blowing, cake making and decorating (a Victoria sponge filled with jam and buttercream, coated in buttercream and topped with strawberries), sausage roll cooking and lots more! But once all of that was done (with lots of help, you know who you are!) it was time to enjoy the celebrations! It was a lovely party, with a picnic for her baby friends in the afternoon and continuing on to a BBQ for friends and family in the evening! She is so lucky to have lots of people who love her! Which showed in the amount of cards and presents she received (I know some of you are reading this so Thank You!), which we opened on her birthday.
Mum and dad stayed for a few more weeks, it was so nice to have them around and I know E enjoyed spending time with Nanna and Grandad.
As their time here came to an end so did the summer term, school year and an era! For the last day before the summer holidays was also the last day at our school for our Headmistress, and 2 teachers! It was an emotional day (I cried on at least 3 separate occasions) I have become very fond of all 3, they are not just work colleagues I consider them to be friends too, each of them supporting me in different ways. School will not be the same place without them but as they move on to new ventures, so the school enters a period of change. I wonder what September will bring!
After a very fun night out (I behaved!), the school holidays began and so far it's been busy. My lovely cousin arrived for a fun filled week on the first Wednesday. We were ladies that lunched and we frequented coffee shops. We had girly chats and serious talks. There was shopping, a carnival, partaking of the odd alcoholic beverage (okay more than just the odd one), a very windy trip to the seaside, icecream and milkshakes and she went surfing! It really was a fab week, that I think we were both sad to see the end of.
This week has been quieter, apart from a day out with the girls, lunch and a walk by the sea with one if my best mummy friends and a cocktail party. More family are arriving tomorrow for a couple of days, then hopefully a quiet weekend before our little holiday! At this rate I'll be going back to work for a rest.
My pnd has been fairly good lately, although I still get my wobbly days (like yesterday and I'm a little lethargic today, which if you've read What Postnatal Depression Is For Me you'll know I hate), but I'm planning on trying to get myself healthier, more of which in a future post.
I may bombard you with a couple more posts over the coming days (sorry)! So there you have it, you're all up to date!
Please feel free to comment and I will try my best to reply! Xoxo