What's Holding Me Back?
- The fear that I won't be able to do it.
- A lack of self belief.
- Tiredness
- I'm tired of having to fight against myself.
- A negative internal voice.
- Using food as a crux, I eat when I'm tired, stressed, as a reward, etc.
- It seems such a big mountain to climb.
- It's another change when my life seems so full of them already.
- I seem to have no willpower.
How Can I Change Those Things Into Positives?
- I'll never know unless I try, and I've done it before.
- Remember how much other people believe in me, lean on them.
- Try and get to bed earlier and see what comes of the blood tests.
- That fight is getting me where I want to be - better and then things will get easier.
- Tell that internal voice to shut up and replace it with a more positive one. Use mantras and affirmations.
- Tell myself I don't need it, or use other things instead.
- It is but if I take it one step at a time it will be easier. It's okay to stop and enjoy the view every now and then. Put one baby step in front of another.
- Yes but instead of fighting those changes embrace them and see the good in them.
- If I keep telling myself I don't then I won't! I have all the willpower in the world!
How To Move Forward
- Eat only 3 meals a day and up to 3 healthy snacks.
- Drink only water and herbal teas.
- Weigh cereal.
- Get serious about this!
- Be strict!
- If I get tempted I will ask myself "Do I really need it?" "Will it nourish me?"
- I need to focus on nourishing my body and mind rather than losing weight.
- Remember I deserve to feel good about myself.
- If that internal voice is negative replace it with a positive one.
- Set myself mini goals to aim for.
- I need to be gentle with myself, there's no shame in having the odd slip up.
- I will start right now, not Monday or tomorrow, cease the moment.
- Be single minded -this is about getting my whole self in a better place.
- Choose a positive quote or mantra every morning, write it down and repeat it throughout the day.
- At the end of everyday write down any achievements no matter how small they are.
- I will reward myself every now and then but not with food.
- I need to keep my mind and life tidy.
- I mustn't berate myself for getting to this point or size, I just need to concentrate on moving on!
- Breathe and believe! Oh and smile!!