Saturday, 20 June 2015

Project Get Myself Out Of This Sh*t Hole Or At Least Make It A Better Place To Be

I've been overwhelmed by the response I've received from my wonderful friends, family, work colleagues and people I barely know (and anyone else out there reading this) It really is encouraging to hear you're enjoying it! Your support means a great deal to me!

Right let's get to the topic of today's post. On Tuesday evening I had a very tearful conversation with my lovely mum, she reminded me that I can do anything I put my mind to and that includes getting better (or at least getting things done). She also made me realise that I've been turning down offers of help because I don't want to burden people, maintaining the facade that I'm okay means I'm not showing weakness or vulnerability,  it means I stay in control. I want to be able to cope on my own but I can't (and shouldn't have to!) And that doesn't make me a failure! They wouldn't offer to help if they didn't want to. These people love and care about me, why wouldn't they want to help? I'd do the same if it was the other way round.

Lately I have got into some bad habits like not always cooking a meal,  not eating until E is in bed (which sometimes makes it late), eating too much chocolate, cake, bread and other unhealthy things (what can I say I'm an emotional eater). Just generally not looking after myself. I expect too much, berating myself when I don't meet the targets I've set (or when I make mistakes).
So as the title says it's time to turn things round and vow to get myself out of this sh*t hole of PND (or at least make it a better place to be)! So what is my plan of action? Because as mum says a lot of it is willpower!

  • Set a new routine ~ that is achievable and a little flexible, but not too much.
  • Cook healthy meals ~ and eat them at the table with E, that way when she goes to bed I can sit and chill. 
  • Write things down.
  • Try not to procrastinate. 
  • Stay calm! (New motto ~ just go with the flow!)
  • Focus on the positives!
  • Acknowledge all achievements (no matter how small they are)
  • Be gentle with myself (and know that I am doing the best that I can!)
  • Accept Help!
  • Take time to relax!
  • Know that I will get better ~ in time!
I'm hoping by sharing the aims of this operation with you all it will help spur me on to stick it! And in the spirit of the above if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you. Maybe you could also press the follow button.

Now I have a lovely weekend to enjoy with My Pretty Little Lady and mummy friends (2 first birthday parties)! Until the next time xoxo


  1. Don't know if you got this first time I tried from Facebook link. Sorry I made you cry but if it helped get you on track it was worth it. Looking forward to seeing you all next week. M XXX

    1. No I only got the one! It's okay, exactly!! Me and E can't wait to see you either!! Xxxx

  2. We are so much alike!!! I figured i need to write down stuff a little more, and set new routines. hugs to you Helen!!

  3. I can't say I stuck to them all but I'm working on it!! The hugs are gratefully received and returned!! Xxx

    1. working on it, one step at a time!!

    2. Yes baby steps in the right direction!! Xxx
